Friday, June 17, 2022

Essay on pregnant women using drugs

Essay on pregnant women using drugs
Pregnant Women Using Drugs Essay Example
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Article no 1: Management of women who use drugs during pregnancy

One objective of this goal is to increase abstinence of illegal drug use among pregnant women (About Healthy People (). Retrieved August 17, ). According to the American Pregnancy Association, consuming drugs during pregnancy can have many harmful results. Drug use during pregnancy is unsafe for both the fetus and the mother Sudden death may occur to first time users. When a pregnant woman uses cocaine it crosses through the placenta and circulates through the fetus’ body. Fetuses eliminate cocaine from their bodies more slowly than adults do. If a mother uses cocaine in the early months of pregnancy it can increase her risks of a blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins The criminalization of drug use during pregnancy has been gaining momentum since the case Whitner v. State in which a South Carolina woman who used cocaine while pregnant was convicted of child abuse. This case created precedent by ruling that viable fetuses could be deemed persons, and consequently be protected under child abuse laws

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Drug use during pregnancy can cause death, low birth weight, blindness and other defects. Women who drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use drugs should really consider stopping if they become pregnant because of the possibility of long term damage these things can cause the baby. Substance abuse during blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins The criminalization of drug use during pregnancy has been gaining momentum since the case Whitner v. State in which a South Carolina woman who used cocaine while pregnant was convicted of child abuse. This case created precedent by ruling that viable fetuses could be deemed persons, and consequently be protected under child abuse laws If someone is addicted to drugs before their pregnancy then it could result in death of the baby and could possibly result in death of the mother as well. “Women who use illegal drugs have higher rates of pre-term deliveries, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and perinatal show more content

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One objective of this goal is to increase abstinence of illegal drug use among pregnant women (About Healthy People (). Retrieved August 17, ). According to the American Pregnancy Association, consuming drugs during pregnancy can have many harmful results. Drug use during pregnancy is unsafe for both the fetus and the mother Sudden death may occur to first time users. When a pregnant woman uses cocaine it crosses through the placenta and circulates through the fetus’ body. Fetuses eliminate cocaine from their bodies more slowly than adults do. If a mother uses cocaine in the early months of pregnancy it can increase her risks of a blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Women who use substances while pregnant is a serious social and health issue. Prenatal exposure to substances can lead to a number of medical, physical and behavioral problems for the child. Many women who use drugs while pregnant become involved with the legal system and face criminal prosecution, child abuse and neglect charges

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Drug use during pregnancy can cause death, low birth weight, blindness and other defects. Women who drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use drugs should really consider stopping if they become pregnant because of the possibility of long term damage these things can cause the baby. Substance abuse during blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Sudden death may occur to first time users. When a pregnant woman uses cocaine it crosses through the placenta and circulates through the fetus’ body. Fetuses eliminate cocaine from their bodies more slowly than adults do. If a mother uses cocaine in the early months of pregnancy it can increase her risks of a blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins As substance use during pregnancy continues to be a major problem, a retrospective cohort study of drug-using women and controls was made in UK in the period of 4 years Preterm labour, miscarriage, abruption and postpartum haemorrhe are the obstetric complications which have been asociated with women who are dependent on opiates

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As substance use during pregnancy continues to be a major problem, a retrospective cohort study of drug-using women and controls was made in UK in the period of 4 years Preterm labour, miscarriage, abruption and postpartum haemorrhe are the obstetric complications which have been asociated with women who are dependent on opiates Women who use substances while pregnant is a serious social and health issue. Prenatal exposure to substances can lead to a number of medical, physical and behavioral problems for the child. Many women who use drugs while pregnant become involved with the legal system and face criminal prosecution, child abuse and neglect charges There are many consequences when using drugs during pregnancy such as miscarriage, health risks to baby, and health risks to the mother. And learning disabilities and brain damage to the fetus. Cassandra has this feeling that Tiffany doesn’t know how serious and devastating it is to use heroin while she is pregnant

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